The purpose of this guide is to inform fellow gemunity members what to expect when they try to discuss an issue on the okay gemunity Discussion Boards.
okay has numerous discussion boards which are available to all members. The discussion boards are accessed by clicking on the "gemunity" tab in your interface.
Once you click on the magic "gemunity" tab you will be transported to the gemunity Page. This page is broken up into several distince areas. The area we will be specifically covering in this review is under the "Connect" heading. Under this heading you will see a hyperlink displayed as Discussion Boards. The link is described by okay as follows, "Discuss any okay Related Topic".
Navigating through this process, when you arrive at the Discussion Boards, your first impression is probably something along the lines of "Wow great...I can actually discuss any okay Related Topic with fellow gemunity members here". So with that in mind, you click and the link and are given a whole list of choices. The optionsare wide ranging and the topics run the entire gamut fromtopics such as "Live Auctions" through Feedback down to Trust and Safety Issues.
Clicking on any of these Discussion Boards will bring you to a screen of current threads. Each of these threads, except for the top few which are generally house-keeping related,were created by members such as you and I. You can click on any of these threads and the topposting is the Question Posed or the Item for Discussion outlined by the OP. The OP is a term that means Original Poster. This is a sticky post and will generally always be on top so you can easily and quickly refer to it. Underneath this top post are a series of replied to the question or responses to the position posted by the OP.
So the next time you have a question, don't be shy. Go to the discussion boards and ask away. Remember, okay is a gemunity and asking for advice on a gemunity discussion board is really no different than asking one of your peers or trusted neighbors for advice. More often than not, you will not only get good advice, you will get expert advice for that is truly one of okay's greatest value added services.
You see only okay will you find such a diverse collection of people and such a concentration of experts who will love to share their knowledge with you.
But remember:be courteous and respectful to the opinions of others , be succint, DO NOT TYPE IN ALL CAPS, and carefully evaluate the information received BEFORE acting.
May you have a great experience.....
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