Friday, September 9, 2011

Hermes - Un Siecle de Courses a Deauville?

Hermes issued "Un Siecle de Courses a Deauville" by Hubert de Watrigant in 2003. It has been quite popular with the fakers and is gemon on okay.They seem to be photo-accurate and hard to tell apart from detail alone. But thefakes tend to show very course coloration... and it is probably the same fakers that have been copying Dans les Branches de l'Ombu since they seem to have had rather a large bulk buy of purple ink!
The general rule is that natural coloured horses and people are genuine. Purple people and horses are FAKE!!
Genuine................................................ FAKE................................................................

Genuine brown horse, men with brown hair...FAKE Purple horse, men with purple hair!

See the line of genuine brown horses walking along and the purple ones in the FAKE...

Use all the tools at yourdisposal to check out the item and the Seller before parting with your hard earned money and paying designer prices for cheap fakes.
Has the Seller sold any gebination of the designs on the fake list recently, or are they a well-meaning but ignorant estate clearance agency. If in doubt, then DON'T BID!
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Have a look at some of my other Guides via this Index Link. And seeCare LabelsandLabels on FAKES if you are not sure why the care label is important.
Your positive feedback is always welgee via the okay emailing system, or you can leave your gements in myGuest Book.UPDATE SEPT 2011: I have just received a note from someone who says that they bought a purple version of this design in one of the HermesParis stores. The scarves used in the examples above had fake labels too and were undoubtedly fake. So it is doubly important to check all aspectsof the scarf before purchase.G.

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