When looking for Raggedy Ann and Andy items you can look on the search page by putting in Raggedy and it will bring up all the Raggedy Ann and Andy items that are listed on okay.I sell and collect on okay so when i want to see what is going on with Raggedy Ann and Andy i type that in. If you just want vintage( type in vintage Raggedy and will also bring it up.)
I have sold a whole collection of vintage Georgene Raggedy Ann and Andys on okay and opened it to worldwide and they really loved theirvintage georgene's especiallythe Japan ladies. They made Raggedy dolls very early from 1915 and were made to sell the stories.From 1920-1934 Volland Co. made them.They had different noses and costumes and mouths, had red candy hearts you could eat.They made the first Beloved Belindy doll.okay ABOUT ME PAGE
Then from 1938-1962 Georgene Novelties Co Inc. made raggedy ann and andy dollsthathave tags on their side and the dates( the last date is the one you go by) and they also created some of the same dolls as Volland. Most of the Georgene dolls have sewn up backs and tin eyes.They either have sewn on or glued on wigs,alot have unusual dresses on with aprons.
Then geesKnickerbockerToy co. from 1963 to l982 and talking dolls these dolls are all very popular collectibles andI have had very good luck selling them on okay.There aremany items with raggedy ann and andy, too many to mention. Just look on okayat all the items for sale. Hope this guide helps in buying your raggedy items.
I have included a picture of a Mollye Annearly scarce doll and a 1947 Georgene Raggedy Ann doll, a Bobs Merrill toy camper and early rubber dolls and last but not least 3 early Knickerbocker dolls.I sold all but the camper on okay in the last several months.The camper is mine but will properly sell soon.
okay is the best way to sell your vintage and regular items on okay. I have been selling for 5 or more years and have had such luck with okay and the customers just love it. Please stay forever.
Here is a set of reproduction Volland Raggey Ann and Andy Doll I have they also came with the Books.
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