By now, the jade is more and more popular in the world! Many people love them for they are really beautiful! But very ashamed that there are many fake jade in the market now, how to buy a genuine jade? None fooled ? I just share my experience as below, hope they can usefull and let you never fooled!
(1) , Carefully Look ! a ), Look the jade under the brightful light , the real jade has the floccule and very equably , and also, you can find some impurity in it, they are natural, the fake jade ( glass, resin , plastic ) none! And also, sometime you can find the air bubble in the fake jade!
b), The real jade has the very good luster, but the fake jade none!
(2), Hear ! Hang the jade with a thin cord , knock it with another jade or metal , the sound of real jade willbe the very ringing and long ,good sound! But the fake jade not. And also, the broken jade none too.
(3), Feel it! a ), Touch the item, the real jade will be very smoothly, very good feeling, the fake jade none,
b), Put the jade in ahnd, the real jade is a little weight, but the fake jade is slight .
c), Taste the jade! Your tongue will have the acerbity feeling,it is real one.
(4), Scratch Test ! use of a sharp steak knife to perform the Scratch Test on jadeite or nephrite jade pieces in order to test their hardness, if there is none line left after done,most time it is real jade, or, it would not.
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