Friday, September 9, 2011

How To: Photograph coins with a digital camera!

I have spend a very long time trying to perfect my photography skills when it gees to shooting coins. If you haven't already noticed, taking a very detailed picture of your coin is the greatest advantage you can have on okay aside from a great description. This guide is going to walk you through a processes you can use at home to achieve wonderful photography results for your coin auctions! The largest problem(s) most people have with coin photography is focus and lighting. The first of the two, focus, can be achieved with any macro zoom digital camera. Most of the time, you can hold your camera steady enough to get a great shot but I regemend purchasing a inexpensive camera stand so you can ensure great results the first time you shoot! If you're not sure about how to use the macro features on your digital camera, review your manual or goto the manufacturer website. Macro photography is the first key to coin photography. The second aspect and more challenging of the two is lighting. If you've photographed coins with a digital camera, you probably know that your camera flash can normally cause a lot of glare. There is nothing worse than bidding on a coin with horrible glare! Glare can make coins look better or worse depending on the angle of poor lighting and glare.In order to defeat glare during photographing your coins, you need to learn to defuse the light appearing on the obverse/reverse of the coin. The best way to achieve this is by using what most refer to as a light box or photography box. Do a search on Google for "photography light box". There are several individuals that have created home made designs with great write ups. What does a light box do? A light box is simply a way to block bright light rays and defuse them (eliminating glare). Generally constructed out flexible or ridge frames, the box is covered in white fabrics. Applying lighting to the sides and or top of the box can provide great lighting in the box, while preventing glare. This is a most effective way I have found when photographing coins. I hope this guide has given you a little insight on coin photography. If this guide has given you new ideas and been proven helpful, please approve my guide. Thanks for reading and good luck!

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