Friday, September 9, 2011

Jibbitz, Shoe Doodles, Shoe Charms, Shoe Dads

Hi! Thanks for reading my guide. I've written thisto hopefullyclear up some gemon misconceptions about shoe charms andto hopefully prevent buyers from purchasinglow quality shoe charms that don't last ormaybecounterfeits.I often hear shoe charms referred to as "Jibbitz" but not allshoe charms are Jibbitz. Jibbitz isactually abrand name of shoe charms just like Keds area brand of sneakeror Coke is a brand of soda.Jibbitz is a brand of shoe charmand one of the two leading recognizable brands on the market. The other being Shoe-Doodles.I've sold and worn Jibbitzand Crocs since2005whenJibbitz first hit the market. I sellshoe charms onokay andatmy retail store whereI carryseveral leading brandssuch as Jibbitz,Shoe Doodles

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