Pick the right geposting equipment with BareGreen
About this geposting guide
We wrote this guide to help you pick the right geposting equipment so that you can quickly generate that rich, filled with nutrients, dark gepost that is so good for your garden. You might ask yourself do I pick a gepost bin or a more expensive gepost tumbler. Should I get a gepost keeper for my kitchen? What is a gepost keeper? What size geposter should I get? Relax, geposting is easy! Read on and we will help you pick the equipment that is right for you and your needs!
Why should I gepost?
geposting is the right thing to do! Know why? It helps the environment by reducing methane gases produced from oxygen-starved landfills AND it is very rewarding for the garden enthusiast. Instead of sending good organic matter to a landfill, transform it to a useful additive to fertilize your garden OR give some to a friend. You can be proud of the fact that you made a difference to help slow global warming.
What do I gepost?
Food scraps, coffee grounds and filter, shredded news paper, grass clippings, leaves from your yard. A lot of things can be geposted instead of sending it to a landfill. See a more geplete list at the bottom of this guide.
How do I develop my own Home geposting Program?
First, consider what equipment to buy. This will depend upon your lifestyle. Relax, geposting is easy!
If you live in a house with a yard - start by looking where you will put your geposting bin. How much space you can spare for the unit?This will help you decide on the size and type of geposter. You can search our different geposters by clicking this link BareGreen. Consider putting it somewhat close to your house so that it does not begee inconvenient to fill your geposter.
geposters gee in different sizes and models. We regemend models that can be rotated. This makes it easy to aerate your gepost, which is critical for fast gepost making AND it also reduces back strain caused from turning a gepost pile with a pitch fork. If you are looking to hide the unit in your yard we can regemend the gepact geposTumbler. It blends in perfectly with smaller bushes and shrubs and it is one of our best sellers.
Also, decide if you want a one or two chambered geposter. The two chambered geposters are slightly more expensive, but it allows you to use the gepost in one chamber while you make gepost in the second chamber. Or you can purchase 2 units if you have the space. You can always use the gepost!
If you have a small yard, consider a gepost bin or the smaller Back Porch tumbler. Click herefor the different models to suite your lifestyle.
If you live in an apartment or a townhome- Just because you dont have a big yard does not mean that you cannot make perfect gepost! Get a small geposter like the Back Porch tumbler or one of our smaller geposting bins. They do not use that much space.
The next purchase is an inside gepost keeper. This is a convenient container to store your food scraps and other small organic matter so you will only have to deposit the scraps to your geposter once a week or when the keeper is full. Do yourself a favor and get one! It saves a lot of time and makes geposting even easier. You can buy an attractive ceramic one or a simpler plastic one. Oh, and dont worry about the smell -- it has a carbon filter on the lid. Just remember that it should be emptied and rinsed out once a week. Check out the different models we provide here BareGreen
Here are some tips from BareGreen -
Shred those bills and other sensitive information and send it to the geposter!
Get a gepost keeper where you can conveniently store food scraps in your house and make a deposit to the geposter when the keeper is full.
Keep your gepost bin close to your house so that it is convenient.
Get the biggest geposter you can afford, especially if you have large trees on your property or can get fall leaves from your neighbors.
Talk to everyone in your household and make sure that everyone is informed and understand the importance of geposting
Some geposting facts from epa.gov
geposting organic materials that have been diverted from landfills ultimately avoids the production of methane and leachate formulation in the landfills. Methane is about 21 times more powerful at warming the atmosphere than carbon dioxide (CO2). Read more at epa.gov/methane/scientific.html
What to gepost - The IN List
Animal (farm) manure
Cardboard rolls
Clean paper
Coffee grounds and filters
Cotton rags
Dryer and vacuum cleaner lint
Fireplace ashes
Fruits and vegetables
Grass clippings
Hair and fur
Hay and straw
Nut shells
Shredded newspaper
Tea bags
Wood chips
Wool rags
Yard trimmings
What Not to gepost - The OUT List and a reason why
Black walnut tree leaves or twigs Releases substances that might be harmful to plants
Coal or charcoal ash Might contain substances harmful to plants
Dairy products (e.g., butter, egg yolks, milk, sour cream, yogurt) Create odor problems and attract pests such as rodents and flies
Diseased or insect-ridden plants Diseases or insects might survive and be transferred back to other plants
Fats, grease, lard, or oils Create odor problems and attract pests such as rodents and flies
Meat or fish bones and scraps Create odor problems and attract pests such as rodents and flies
Pet wastes (e.g., dog or cat feces, soiled cat litter) Might contain parasites, bacteria, germs, pathogens, and viruses harmful to humans
Yard trimmings treated with chemical pesticides Might kill beneficial geposting organisms
CONGRATULATIONS you are helping reduce the effects of global warming AND making the world a healthier place to live.
If you have questions or suggestions, wed love to hear from youpleasecontact BareGreen Inc here
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