Friday, September 9, 2011

Guide on how to tell if Ralph Lauren Polo is fake part3

Buttons on real Ralph Lauren polo shirts can be made of plastic, mother of pearls, or metal. I have yet to see a real Ralph Lauren shirt with the word polo written on them. .

Holes are horizontal
Buttons are beveled
Buttons are polished
Buttons are thick
Use a "=" stitch pattern. Some of the newer shirts also have a "X" stitch pattern, but not as gemon.
Picture 1
Blue polo fake
Yellow Real
gepares real and fake polo button thickness. Pay attention to the fabric and stitching

Picture 1 (Khaki polo) realPicture 2(Red polo) fake
Look at the button stitching and thickness. On the red button you can see writing.
In picture one notice how the button edges are soft. Picture two, the button has hard edged buttons
Pay attention to the fabric details. (Weave consistency)

5. Shoulder stitching, armsand tails
For this section the sky blue polo's are real and the red polo's are fake

Shoulder seams should havea piece of fabric attaching the two fabrics together, not just regular stitching
Pay close attention to the shoulder stitching. In the picture below the redpolo isfake and the sky bluepolo is real. Notice how the shoulder stitching on the skyblue polo has a piece of fabric attachedto it; the red polojust hasstitching.

In the picture below, notice how the sleeves ends are shorter on the sky blue polo.

Picture 1insidesection of both Polo'sPicture 2 shows the outside section.
Pay close attention on how the tails are finished. The red polo tails are a bit smaller, the edges are not as thick and the stitching is lacking detail. In the real polo notice how the stitching on the edges have a small rectangle near the bottom.

So that is the end of this guide. If you found it useful please vote postive and let me know what you like and what you did not, if not please vote too negative and let me know what you like and what you did not.

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