Friday, September 9, 2011

Brewing Your Own Coffee: Dunkin' Donuts Coffee

The Dunkin Donuts Coffee Guide: A Guide to Brewing Your Own Morning Coffee

I moved out to California almost two and half years ago from the east coast... more specificly from Boston.
Much to my amazement, the closest Dunkin Donuts to LA is in Sacramento.
This was shocking to me considering that aDunkin Donuts sits on every
corner of Boston and there is even a Dunkin Donuts Arena (for
basketball games). Not only was this shocking, it was disturbing. Where
else do the masses of drone-like workers funnell into each morning for
delicious donuts and donut-holes (I once at 50 holes in a sitting)?
Where else can you get large coffees for a dollar (certainly not Starbucks!)? And where else can you flavor you coffee with anything
from Marshmallow to Cherry?

So the point of my story - I arrived in California and became upset and
disturbed by the lack of Dunkin Donuts. As a last resort, I bought a
coffee making system that I use each morning and, of course, I use
Dunkin Donuts coffee beans (which can be bought online or on okay).
My Dunkin Donuts Coffee System:
My morning set up includes the following - all of which can be bought brand new on okay and at great prices:
Braun KF550-BK AromaDeluxe 10-Cup Coffeemaker

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