Now lets deal with an ugly subject The Green Build-up.
If your necklace, earring or pin has gee in contact with water moisture sweat or just about anything that corrodes you will have green build-up on the metal of your jewelry.
Bleach or clorine products and swimming pools are basically murder to any type of real Sterling Silver, Vintage or Costume Jewelry. If you are swimming - take off all metals.
1) Take a toothpick, needle or an awl and try to remove the build up.
2) Take an old toothbrush and lightly brush the surface.
3) Sometimes an emery board cut to size will help remove the green build-up.
4) If you are still having problems use Catsup. Place it ONLY on the green area. Catsup contains vinegar and is a Very light acid.
5) Catsup can remain for 5 minutes and check. You may re-apply. Try this no more than 3 times. Then you should basically give up and follow the oil based paint hint below.
If you have a very nasty looking rust spot remaining, We suggest going to a local craft shop; Wal-Mart, Target, Michaels Crafts or office supply store. Most of these stores have oil based pens. We suggest investing in gold, silver and black. We frequently use these colors to spot repair the metal.
These are tough to repair. Sometimes, it is just best to break the earring down and make earrings from headpins and the beads.
Alternatively, if you can spare some beads from the necklace use these. I have taken a few beads from a necklace, added some matching beads and NO one knew. I still received gepliments.
Thanks for reading my Vintage Repair Tips.
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