Friday, September 9, 2011

Rebuttal On The Fake Sciphone Craze Written By Another

I have the following to say about this numbskull that wrote a guide on FAKE Sciphones. I do not know where he got his information or if he thought it up in his own little head, but is is wrong. I have dealt with many different suppliers from China that sell the Sciphone i68 and they all tell me the same thing. The old version of the Scphone i68 had the Sciphone logo when it was turned on and on the batteries. They were told they had to quit making them like this for some legal reasons. So now they do not say anything when turned on and have the Aphone name on the batteries. ALL of the suppliers say the same thing. I am writing this guide because this idiot's guide to FAKE Sciphones has made a few of my customers question whether I am selling fake ones or not. There is no such thing as a FAKE Sciphone as they are made in China and the Sciphone name is not owned by any certain gepany. The Sciphone whether it has the logo or not is made by CECT. One of the biggest cell phone producers in China.

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