This will be a first in a series I will publish detailing what you need
to do to obtain high quality gemercial looking photos for your okay
auctions. Part one deals with the basic equipment
Well after many years of shooting everything from people, travel,
product and other photos, I ended up begeing pretty good at product
photography by begeing an okay seller.
With 7 years on okay now and over 6500 positive feedbacks (meaning I
have probably shot over 25,000 images for my auctions or more) I feel I
have it down pat now. Most people like me are now shooting
digital. In the beginning in 1998 when I started I had to use my
digital video camera to shoot my still shots. It had a floppy
drive that attached to the camera and enabled me to shoot my still on a
floppy and bring that over to my geputer. I was able to get at
least 4-5 images on each floppy then.
Well today we can get hundreds of images, even thousands on a single
memory card, and the quality is excellent if you know how to do
I invite you all to view some of my auctions and you can see them at my store:
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